Library users not affiliated with Lund University
If you are not affiliated with Lund University (you are no student or employee) and you want to print, copy or scan at one of the libraries at Lund University, you need to follow the steps below.
STEP 1 - Get a library card
To be eligible for a library card you have to have residence in Sweden, minimum 18 years old. There are more rules, please read this page: You get the card at any library within the Lund University Libraries network: Don't forget to bring a photo-ID.
STEP 2 - Create a walk-in-user account for library users not affiliated with Lund University
Ask a librarian in one of the libraries at Lund University for help with this account. The account will allow you to log in to computers and use the printing system at Lund University, and you will be able to get access to e-books and e-journals when logged in to a library computer. You will not be able to use it to connect with the university's wifi network, and you will not be able to use the account to get access to e-books and e-journals from home either. The account is valid for one year and has to be renewed after this period of time. You will receive a sheet, stating your usename and your password, from the librarian who has been creating the account for you. Save this sheet in order to have access to you login details next time you want to use them.
It might take up to 30 minutes for the account to start working.
STEP 3 - Use your library card to log in to a copier
STEP 4 - Pay your prints via VISA/Mastercard or prepaid cards
There are two ways of paying for your prints/copies:
- connect a VISA/Mastercard to your printing account - Follow this giude
- or buy a top-up prepaid card - Follow this guide
When you are with one of the above options you are ready to print or copy.